Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Christmas Break Book
It brings a tear to my eye as I think that two years have passed so quickly!! However, I have to say, we are still going strong. A big thanks to Ang, who put together a wonderful spread this past weekend, and not only had a Mimosa bar but a Bloody Mary bar as well. Amazing! For our next book, we are going to switch up genres a bit and go the action/adventure/crime solving route. The Main by Trevian, is a "gripping tale of death and danger, of action and mystery" which includes thieves, prostitutes, a teeming underworld, a cold blooded murder and an unusual and remarkable hero.... We figured it was a perfectly heartfelt book for this time of year :) Burke offered to host the next gathering and we are still working out a couple of dates, so I will send out a couple options shortly. However, I figured the book might make for a nice stocking stuffer if someone still had an opening on their Christmas list. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Post-Birthday World by Lionel Shriver
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2. In each universe that Irina inhabits, she is drawn to the man she let go. Do we always want what we can't have? Why are the choices that we didn't make so appealing in retrospect?
3. In the characters of Lawrence and Ramsey, Irina is offered the choice between two opposites: where Lawrence is predictable, Ramsey is wild; where Ramsey is extravagant, Lawrence is disciplined. Do you think that by casting the men so differently Shriver is portraying general male stereotypes, is there some truth in these characters? What are the pros and cons of each man as a partner? Do women prefer one type to another at different times in their lives? Why?
4. Is Irina the same person in her relationship with Lawrence as she is in her relationship with Ramsey? Do you think that the person you're with determines the person you are, or would you be the same person no matter whom you're in a relationship?
5. Irina is happy and unhappy in both universes, with both men. Who do you think Irina is happiest with? If she had both men before her and could see her different lives with each, which man would she choose? Which man would you choose to be with?
6. Irina is a self-sufficient and highly successful woman, yet throughout The Post-Birthday World she believes that her ultimate happiness will come from a man. Does Irina's recognition that she needs a man in her life characterize her as a throwback to a pre-feminist era, or can she need a man in her life and still be self-actualized?
7. Children are completely absent from this story. How does this affect the characters, their decisions and their relationships?
8. How much of a choice about the person we end up in a a relationship with has to do with fate and how much ahs to do with the decisions we make over the course of our lives? And are the decisions you might make in your 20's different from the choices you'd make in your 30's, 40's, or 50's?
9. If you were Irina's mother, Raisa, how would you have handled the two scenarios she was presented in the book? More specifically, how Irina introduced her to Ramsey Acton or Lawrence's outburst at lunch (pg 354-355)?
10. As Irina is talking with her mother (pg 317), she explains that "falling in love isn't something that you decide to do, any more than you decide on the weather. It descends on you like a hurricane." She then proceeds to question her own actions and trys to reason whether "emotions were bombardments to which you were helplessly subjected or contrivances with which you were actively complicit. Are they something you suffer or something you make? You can control what you do but can you control what you feel?" Which feelings/emotions, if any, do you believe were out of Irina's control?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Dec 10th Meeting Headcount
So, here is the course that your life will take when you make the decision to come to the BWB 2nd Birthday Extravaganza...
You make your way to Ang's home and as you walk through the front door, you are greeted with the most lovely ambiance that consists of soothing music, fragrantly lit candles and sparkling clean floors. You hear laughter wafting from the kitchen and as you make your way there, you notice a lovely display of appetizers, cupcakes, treats and then you spot an ADORABLE box containing the cutest little gifts that you've ever laid eyes on. Do you take one? You're tempted but you say to yourself, "Oh.. not yet" but you tell yourself that you MUST remember to take one before you leave. You venture into the kitchen and are welcomed with smiles and hugs that simply warms your heart... and your soul. Not only do you pick the most exquisite bottle of $4.99 wine to sample but you enjoy several glasses more in order to fully embrace the warmth and friendliness of the afternoon. "Wow," you think to yourself, "this is the most fantastic way to spend a Saturday." The day continues in the same fashion and you have the most dashing time. As you prepare to reluctantly leave this amazing atmosphere, you remind yourself that you MUST pick up one of those ADORABLE gifts that Erin and Sarah so lovingly made. You smile. You head on home, filled with merriment and generosity, which is apparent to all around you. You walk down the street, whistling a sweet little tune, and see a lowly bag lady on the corner. You think to yourself, "I must share the wonderful day I've just had with this poor unfortunate soul." You approach her and extend your hand, offering her a couple dollars and a smile. She is grateful, you are humbled. All of sudden, the women removes her tattered, stained jacket and reveals that she is NOT a lowly bag woman. She is Oprah Winfrey. And for your generosity, she wants to reward you with half her fortune. You graciously accept....
So, here is the course that your life will take when you make the decision to NOT come to the BWB 2nd Birthday Extravaganza...
You sit, alone. There is a cold chill in the air and a gentle breeze sends a shiver down your spine. "That was odd," you think to yourself "where did that breeze come from?" As you sit in your car, in gridlock traffic, you notice that the sky is changing from a lovely blue to a sickly gray. What time is it? You check the clock on the dashboard. It's 11:30 a.m. You let out an audible sigh as you realize that Book Club was just getting underway. It takes you over an hour to go a mile and a half but you are relieved when you finally see the giant red letters ahead, signaling that you have reached your destination. As you pull into the Costco parking lot you are greeted with rogue shopping carts, parents dragging their children by the arm and old Polish ladies. You find a parking spot near the back and as you walk into the store, you hear a crow caw. Was that three times or only twice? You shake your head and continue on in. As you show your ID card to the attendant you think to yourself, "I'm only here to pick up a package of toilet paper. Quick in, quick out." The 'ahem' from the attendant brings you back to reality and she not so kindly explains to you that your card has expired and that you need to head over to Customer Service in order to get this situation rectified. As you stand in the wrap around line, behind a rather large woman who is holding a screaming baby, you think to yourself, "could my life get any worse?" Two hours later, as you step out of the Costco you hear a giant clap of thunder and in a fraction of a second, rain is pouring down as if you are standing under a waterfall. You make your way back to the car. If only you didn't have to park on the other side of the lot? Slowly, bit by bit, rain begins to make its way through the seams of your recent purchase and by the time you reach your vehicle, the entire bag is soaked through. "Great" you think, "well isn't that just awesome?!" You climb inside, where the air is dry and once again, you let out a sigh. As you drive home, you are over come with this heavy feeling but you simply can't place what it is, exactly. Regret? Sadness? Loneliness? You shake your head and continue to drive. Then, as if out of nowhere, a single tear runs down your cheek. You brush it away but you can't fight it. More and more tears fall until it feels as if the rain on the outside has made its way in. "No, no, no" you think to yourself. "Stop it. What is this all about?" It takes several moments before you ask yourself that one question that has been lingering in your mind all morning, "How would this have turned out if I didn't decide to skip Book Club this month?"
Hmmm I wonder...
I know this reminder is coming out a little early but we want to make sure that we have an accurate head count for our BWB Birthday Extravaganza!! Erin and I are in the process of putting together something ADORABLE for everyone and don't want anyone to be left out. So far, we have...
1. Aunt Joann
2. Aunt Sharon
3. Kath
4. Amelia
5. Ang
6. Sarah
7. Erin
8. Julie
9. Burke
I don't know about you but after reading that story, I know I would feel compelled to come:) So please let us know if you can make it!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Date Picked
I know I normally send out an email with several options as far as the meeting are concerned, however, after trying to pull together some options with Ang (apparently she has the schedule of a rock star) we were only able to come up with one that really worked for her (and I thought would work for others). So, in the spirit of embracing our 3rd year together, we are going to try something that has never before been attempted by BWB...
We are going to meet on SATURDAY (yikes) December 10 at 11:30am. We figured that this would allow you to have your Saturday night free (again, apparently Ang is a rock star and has plans), we can still drink wine (or mimosas... like crazy) and we don't have to worry about basketball (selfish? yes) or the Bears game (even though I love drinking on Sundays, it feels so tainted because of work the next day). Please, please, please R.S.V.P. so we can decide if this is a good option or not.
We are going to meet on SATURDAY (yikes) December 10 at 11:30am. We figured that this would allow you to have your Saturday night free (again, apparently Ang is a rock star and has plans), we can still drink wine (or mimosas... like crazy) and we don't have to worry about basketball (selfish? yes) or the Bears game (even though I love drinking on Sundays, it feels so tainted because of work the next day). Please, please, please R.S.V.P. so we can decide if this is a good option or not.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Happy 2nd Birthday to BWB
A big thanks to Erin for being a truly steadfast member and for wanting, so very badly, to maintain the integrity of the book Room :) Kidding! It was a great meeting and it was so nice to see everyone together, once again, being literary :) I have to say that I am pretty jazzed (oh yeah, jazzed) about our next gathering because that meeting will be the 2nd birthday (I'm pretty sure it should be "anniversary" but birthdays come with candles... and presents... and cake) that Boozing with Books has been the greatest book club to have ever existed... ever. Ang has kindly offered to stick with tradition, so the next meeting will take place at her house with the date TBD (you would think I would be able to pin down some dates from my own mother but alas, I cannot). Although I think we are definitely leaning towards later in the month of November. I really hope everyone will be able to make it for this momentous occasion!!! The next book on our list is The Post Birthday World by Lionel Shriver which talks about the idea of an alternate life or the road not taken... some pretty heavy themes that will lead to an amazing discussion! Please stay tuned for picking dates, I'm hoping to get some potential dates out to you very soon!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
One Second After and Room
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- First, we will start off with One Second After. What were your thoughts about the forward that was presented by Newt Gingrich? What kind of tone did that set as you started the book?
- This story took place in a small mountain town in North Carolina. Do you think there are other parts of the country that would survive this type of attack better? Do you think there are other places that would have it worse off? Why?
- Do you find Forstchen's portrayal of a post attack environment credible? Did he present any scenarios about America’s dependence on "modern convenience" that shocked you?
- As a leader in Black Mountain, is there anything that you would you have done differently?
- Has this novel made you think about what you would do in the event of a large scale attack, like the one in the book? What can we do to protect our way of life from EMP attack?
- What modern convenience do you think you have become dependent upon? What would be the most difficult thing to live without?
INTERMISSION - Moving onto Room, why do you think the entire book is told in Jack’s voice? What kind of effect did his narrative have on the story?
- What are some of the ways in which Jack’s development has been stunted by growing up in Room? Which elements of Jack's developmental delays and/or his integration issues surprised you most?
- What would you do differently if you were Jack’s parent? Would you tell Jack about the outside world from the start?
- Describe the dynamic between Old Nick and Ma. Why does the author choose not to tell us Old Nick’s story? Did you find yourself wanting to know more about him?
- What sort of problems do you think Ma will face now that she and Jack are out on their own? Do you think that Jack will ever be able to fully "adapt" to his new world?
- What were you most affected by in the novel?
INTERMISSION - Was there a common theme that you found between these two books?
- Were there any specific personality traits that you found to be shared between the characters in Room and the ones in One Second After?
- If you had to choose, would you rather have to face the experiences of Jack or John?
- Which book did you like most? Why?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Date Picked
I know it is a little far off but the date for our next book club meeting with be on Friday, October 7. I will send a reminder, with the discussion questions, as we get closer to the date. So, for those of you still reading or waiting on books, you've got this!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
End of Summer Book Club... Pick a DATE!
Damn ladies, this is going to be one helluva book club meeting. I tell ya, one darn good book club meeting. I can't believe summer is coming to a close and it's time, once again, to start back up with our festive gatherings of intellect. Erin, one damn good host, has graciously offered to have us over for one helluva meeting. Please let me know which of the dates below would work best for you. I really hope everyone can make it!!
Friday, September 23
Friday, September 30
Friday, October 7
Monday, June 20, 2011
Summer Reading List
Oh Ladies,
My apologies!! I know it has taken me over a week to get the new book club selections out to you!! It is because I have been selfishly getting tipsy on Pina Coladas, while a handsome cabana boy fans me down with a palm and feeds me chocolates, as I tan myself on a white sandy beach in the Keys...
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Well, now that I have returned from the great unknown, it's time to get back to business. We picked two books to challenge ourselves with this summer. Room by Emma Donoghue, which has been on the BWBMYKSBC suggestion list before. It should be a pretty easy one to get through, which is why we made another selection, One Second After by William Forstchen. Both should prove for some interesting discussions and sound extremely interesting. Since I literally ran out of Julie's place because it was going on 11 o'clock and I still hadn't finished packing, we never came up with a time frame to gather again. Last year, we worked with the end of August/beginning of September, so let me know what works for everyone. I will definitely send out a reminder once we see summer start to draw to a close :( so you have some time to think about it. Happy summering (totally a word), happy sunning and most of all... HAPPY READING!!!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
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It is time to gather one last time before we break for summer vacation!! I know this is a sad moment for all but don't fret, summer will be over before we know it and we will be gathering to insightfully discuss books amongst the changing leaves of Fall in no time. Yuck. No offense but I want summer to stay around for as long as possible...so, I hope we won't be getting together for what seems like a good-long-while!! Again, no offense :)
Hopefully, you all can make it to Julie's this Friday, June 10 at 8pm. This is going to be a book club extravaganza because we will also be celebrating...
* Suz's belated birthday
* Burke's early birthday
* Certain teachers' last days of school
* My imminent departure into a world of no showers/bathrooms
* And whatever else we desire to toast to!!
Again, hope you all can make it!! Please leave a comment if you will be attending, so we can make sure to have enough White Liquor and Squirrel meat :)
- Why do you think The Hunger Games series is a bestseller? What about these books appeal to so many people – young and old?
- Which character in The Hunger Games is your favorite? Why?
- Why are the tributes given stylists and dressed so elaborately for the opening ceremony? How much of an impact does personal appearance play into the games and why do you think there is such an emphasis on being “prepped” before going on TV, both before and after the Games?
- What did you think of Haymitch’s strategy for Katniss and Peeta during the Hunger Games? Given the information presented in the first book, how do you think he (Haymitch) won the Games back when he was a tribute?
- Before the Games start, Peeta tells Katniss, “…I want to die as myself…I don’t want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I’m not.” What does this tell you about Peeta? What does he fear more than death? Is he able to stay true to himself during the Games?
- Katniss and Peeta are both skilled in their own unique way. What do you think were their most important skills for staying alive? Do you think either would have survived if they were unable to rely on each other?
- Why does Peeta join with the Career Tributes in the beginning of the Games and why do they, in return, accept him? Why do groups form in the beginning when they know only one of them will be able to survive?
- Discuss the ways in which the Gamemakers control the environment and “entertainment” value of the Games. How does it affect the tributes to know they are being manipulated to make the Games more exciting for the gamblers and viewers? Does knowing that she is constantly on live TV make Katniss behave differently than she would otherwise?
- What do you think is the cruelest part of the Hunger Games? What kind of people would devise this spectacle for the entertainment of their populace? Can you see parallels between these Games and the society that condones them? Are there other related events and cultures in the history of the world that are comparable?
- In 1848, Karl Marx wrote in The Communist Manifesto, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." Discuss this statement as it applies to the society and government of Panem. Do you believe there is any chance to eradicate class struggles in the future?
- There has been a tremendous growth of Reality TV in the 21st Century, with a fair number being in the area of competitive and survival shows. Discuss this phenomenon with respect to The Hunger Games? What other aspects of our popular culture do you see reflected in this story?
- In your opinion, does a tribute ever really win the Hunger Games? Why or why not?
- Katniss is obviously conflicted when it comes to the topic of love. Who do you think she belongs with, romantically, Peeta or Gale? Why?
- Which children were the worst off? The ones in the Districts where the children were raised to think that competing to kill other children and possibly die themselves was honorable as in Districts 1 & 2? Or the outlying districts which were so poor that the inhabitants had to forage for the smallest portions of food and signed up for tesserea out of necessity.
- For those of you who haven’t read it, what are your predictions for Katniss, Peeta, Gale and the other characters in Catching Fire (the second installment in The Hunger Games Trilogy)? How do you think the story of Panem and its inhabitants develops?
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Date Selected
June 10th seems to work for everyone, in one way or another, so mark your calenders. We will have our last gathering before summer vacation begins!! On another note, this will be my last night in town. I leave for the Boundary Waters on Saturday morning and the chances of me getting eaten by a bear getting left behind by Jamie are pretty high, so this may be your last chance to see me... I'm just saying.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Date Selection
This is our last meeting before summer vacation :) Please let me know (either through email or just leave a comment below), whether you would be able to attend Friday, June 3 or Friday June 10.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Trilogy Part Deux
'Ello Govna!! Thanks to all the ladies who stopped by on Friday for the joint Royal Wedding Watch/Freedom Book Club discussion. It was the perfect combination of wedding gushing, book conversing, Pippa bashing (I mean honestly, whoever flawlessly pulls off a white silk dress should not be allowed in public, it just isn't fair to the rest of us) and delicious food consumption. We decided to squeeze in one more meeting before we break for summer and went with a book that should be a fairly quick read. Next on the docket: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Our host, Julie, is double checking on possible dates to make sure they work but we are aiming to get together at the end of May or beginning of June. I just wanted to get the next selection out there so everyone can get started. Happy reading!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Freedom by Jonathan Franzen
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1. Jonathan Franzen refers to freedom throughout the novel, including the freedom of Iraqis to become capitalists, Joey's parents attempt to give him an unencumbered life, an inscription on a building at Jessica s college that reads USE WELL THY FREEDOM, and alcoholic Mitch, who is a free man. How do the characters spend their freedom? Is it a liberating or destructive force for them? Which characters are the least free?
2. Freedom contains almost cinematic descriptions of the characters dwelling places, from the house in St. Paul to Abigail's eclectic Manhattan apartment. How do the homes in Freedom reflect the personalities of their occupants? Where do Walter and Patty feel most at home? Which of your homes has been most significant in your life?
3. As a young woman, Patty is phenomenally strong on the basketball court yet vulnerable in relationships, especially with her workaholic parents, her friend Eliza, and the conflicted duo of Richard and Walter. What did her rapist, Ethan Post, teach her about vulnerability? After the rape, what did her father and the coaches attempt to teach her about strength?
4. What feeds Richard and Walter's lifelong cycle of competition and collaboration? If you were Patty, would you have made the road trip with Richard? What does Freedom say about the repercussions of college, not only for Walter and Patty but also for their children?
5. How would you characterize Patty's writing? How does her storytelling style compare to the narrator s voice in the rest of the novel? If Walter had written a memoir, what might he have said about his victories, and his suffering?
6. Which tragicomic passages in Freedom made you laugh? Which characters elicited continual sadness and sympathy in you? How does Franzen balance poignant moments with absurdity?
7. Discuss the nature of attraction, both in the novel and in your own experience. What does it take to be desirable in Freedom? In the novel, how do couples sustain intense attraction for each other over many phases of their lives?
8. Does history repeat itself throughout Walter's ancestry, with his Swedish grandfather, Einar, who built roads, loathed communism and slow drivers, and was cruel to his wife; his father, Gene, a war hero with fantasies of success in the motel business; and his mother, Dorothy, whose cosmopolitan family was Walter s salvation? What do all the characters in the novel want from their parents? How do their relationships with their parents affect their relationships with lovers?
9. After her father s death, Patty asks her mother why she ignored Patty s success in sports, even though Joyce was a driven woman who might have relished her daughter's achievements. She doesn't get a satisfactory answer; Joyce vaguely says that she wasn't into sports. Why do you think Patty did not garner as much attention as her sisters did? How did your opinion of Veronica and Abigail shift throughout the novel? Does Patty treat Jessica the same way her parents treated her?
10. How is Lalitha different from the other characters in the novel? How does her motivation for working with the Cerulean Mountain Trust compare to Walter's? Does Walter relate to the cerulean warbler on some level?
11. What accounts for the differences between Joey and Jessica? Is it simply a matter of genes and temperament, or does gender matter in their situation?
12. What does Joey want and get from Jenna and Connie? What do they want and get from him?
13. Did Carol and Blake evolve as parents? What sort of life do you predict for their twin daughters?
14. Near the end of the novel, Franzen describes Walter s relationship with Bobby the cat as a sort of troubled marriage. Was their divorce inevitable? When Patty is eventually able to serve as neighborhood peacemaker, even negotiating a truce with Linda Hoffbauer, what does this say about her role in Walter's life? Does she dilute his sense of purpose and principle, or does she keep him grounded in reality?
15. How would you answer the essential question raised by Walter's deal with the Texas rancher Vin Haven: What is the best way to achieve environmental conservation?
16. Consider the novel s epigraph, taken from Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale. The lines are spoken by Paulina in the final act, after she learns the fate of her dead husband. She receives the news while surrounded by happy endings for the other characters. The most obvious parallel is to Walter, but who else might be reflected in these lines?
17. What unique truths emerge in Freedom? In what ways does this novel enhance themes (such as love and commitment, family angst, the intensity of adolescence, and the individual against the giant corporate, governmental, and otherwise) featured in Franzen's previous works, including his nonfiction?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
It's Settled...
SORRY to those who can't fit this date into their schedule!! I will host the next book club, fingers crossed for nice weather :)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
We Are at a Deadlock...
Ok, so I don't mean to pester but I can't make this decision on my own.. I need others to weigh-in. We are at a three date deadlock for the next book club and I need your help (I really don't want to pick :( because I can't handle anyone being mad at me). Please, please, please, pick one of the following dates so we can get a majority and get this set in stone. Muchas gracias!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Oprah May Have Picked it First...But Our Book Club Is Better
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Certified Crack! |
I have to say that after our lively discussion about September Dawn on Friday, I spent most of my Saturday/Sunday engulfed in a Sister Wives marathon... so thank you for that! Also, big thanks to Kath for hosting and Aunt Sharon for making those addicting toasted bread slices. I don't know what was on them but I think I ate about ten. Delicious!
Hopefully, everyone has had to enough time to wrap up their Mormon research so we may move onto the next book club selection, which is Freedom by Johnathan Franzen. Coincidentally, it is also an Oprah Book Club selection but I'm pretty sure she stole the idea from us...so....
There have been several suggestions sent to me so far in regards to our next meeting date, so I'm leaving it all in your hands!! Some folks would like to get it done before Easter due to hectic schedules and others would like a little more time to get the book from the library and read it because SPOILER ALERT it is 526 pages. Take that Beach Music!! Please let me know which dates would work best and we will see where the majority stands :) Happy Reading!!
Friday, April 15
Friday, April 29
Sunday, May 1
Side Note: Easter is April 24
Side Note II: There is Good Friday (April 22) which I am fine with but I'm not sure if that will work with the more devout in the group.
Monday, March 7, 2011
September Dawn by Carole Whang Schutter
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Got the book on Wednesday, finished by this morning. Winner! Thanks to Ang for helping me out with the questions, they are below for your perusal.
1. What did you find surprising about the facts introduced in this book?
2. Has reading this book changed your opinion of the Mormon religion?
3. Does the author present information in a way that is interesting and insightful, and if so, how does she achieve this?
4. Do you think Carole Schutter gives proper consideration to all sides the debate? Does she seem to have a bias?
5. Has the book increased your interest in the Mormon religion or other religions?
6. Did certain parts of the book make you uncomfortable? If so, why did you feel that way? Did this lead to a new understanding or awareness of some aspect of your life you might not have thought about before?
7. What role do you think poverty played in the growth of the early Mormon church? Does poverty elicit religious fanaticism?
8. Do you think Brigham Young is guilty or innocent of compliancy of murder in the Mountain Meadows Massacre (MMM)?
9. Polygamy played a key role in the early Mormon Church. After it was outlawed in 1862 the practice went underground. Recently polygamy has been brought to the forefront by the media with shows like; Big Love and Sister Wives and the news coverage of Warren Jeffs the FLDS prophet. Do you think polygamy’s roll in the Mormon religion could be revisited? Do you think it could be more widely accepted today than it was back in the 1800’s?
10. Retribution for religious persecution triggered the MMM. Do you think religious persecution exists today? Could it or has it triggered retribution?
11. Up until this point, the Mormon Church has offered little commentary about the massacre. However, on the 150th anniversary, Mormon Apostle Henry Eyring offered “profound regret” for the incident but still made a point to profess Young’s innocence in the event and blamed local leaders. Afterwards, some deemed this a noteworthy apology but church spokesman Mark Tuttle later stated, “We don’t use the word ‘apology.’ We used ‘profound regret.’” Do you think the response of the Mormon Church has been a significant one to the massacre that occurred?
Monday, February 28, 2011
Date Finally Chosen
I just wanted to let everyone know that the next book club will get together on March 11 at Mama Walsh's house. I will send out the address and time next week. I know this date didn't work for everyone (sorry Shelli and Suz :( ) but I had to go with the majority. Last I heard, the CPL doesn't carry this book but people were able to find it at Borders. I haven't gotten it yet so I can't provide more info, SORRY!! Happy reading!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Big, big, big THANKS to Michelle for hosting book club on Friday!! Due to the boisterous and intense discussion that took place, Michelle was kicked out of her condo and is now forced to live on the streets. I think it is only appropriate for her fellow members to help her out and give her a place to stay in her time of need (so, send me an email to sign up for your weekJ). Since, technically, it is our fault she is now homeless. Now, those of you who weren’t in attendance could be saying, “C’mon, it couldn’t have been that bad?!” But the 12 member, 14 bottle of wine ratio begs to differ. That’s right 12 to 14. Tear, I know. I’ve never been more proud of this group in my entire life! Although, I do think it made us realize how badly we need to purchase a bell (or an air horn), so we can get the discussions back on track when they start to detour.
In order to keep this ball rollin,’ we are getting right into the next selection. Ang’s suggestion won the vote, so the next book we will be reading is Carole Whang Schutter’s September Dawn, which I find to be the perfect choice for Valentine’s Day. It’s got untimely love, Mormons, a massacre, acts of religious terrorism…A truly perfect pick for this heart-shaped holiday season. Plus, for those members who are still on the fence about reading things, they made this into a movie, so there should be no attendance issues for this one!
We have several options for our next gathering date (yay to no basketball), so if you shoot me an email with your preferences, it would be most appreciated.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Also, Kath has first dibs to host if she chooses, otherwise we will need a local. Don’t be tentative to offer up your place, statistically we can’t evict two people in a row, right?!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore
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The next book club will take place this Friday, February, 11 at 8pm at the swanky condo de la Michelle. Hopefully, we all remember what the book was about?? Eh, if not, let the wine flowith!! Michelle requests that, if members are so generous, would they mind bringing a bottle of wine and/or appeteeeezer?! Please! Once again, I've posted the discussion questions below, if anything maybe they'll jog the ol' memory. Who is excited?? Seems like it has been a decade since we all got together to discuss some fine literature :) See you Friday!
1. Overall, did you like the book? Why or why not? (ie: are you mad at Sarah for picking it?)
2. Who was your favorite character? Please explain.
3. After reading the book, do you now want a fruit bat as a pet? If you could domesticate any animal, which one would you want to tame and why?
4. For those members with the “The Enhanced Edition” what are your thoughts on the bonus chapter: And Before We Knew It, Christmas Had Rolled Around Again? Do you think it added to the story of The Stupidest Angel or not?
5. Christopher Moore starts the novel with an Author’s Warning that states: “If you’re buying this book for your grandma or a kid, you should be aware that it contains cusswords as well as tasteful descriptions of cannibalism and people in their forties having sex. Don’t blame me, I told you.” What’s your take on Christopher Moore’s somewhat vulgar and out there sense of humor? Do you find him funny?
6. Lena meets Tucker Case right after she has accidentally killed Dale. Their love affair might seem a little farfetched but some might argue that when two people are put in a highly stressful situation together, they tend to form a more unique bond. What do you think of Lena and Tucker's relationship? Is it a plausible one?
7. On page 250, Molly and Raziel have an interesting exchange regarding religion and faith.
“I mean, I’m not religious, so why are you here?”
“I mean, I’m not religious, so why are you here?”
“Lunatics, we’re attracted to them. It has something to do with the mechanics of faith. I don’t really understand it…”
“…”So you’re attracted to me because I’m loony and will believe anything?”
“Yes, I think so. And because no one will believe you. So there’s no violation of faith.”
“Yes, I think so. And because no one will believe you. So there’s no violation of faith.”
Side note: According to Dictionary.com "Faith (noun) is defined as confidence or trust in a person or thing: a belief that is not based on proof." What are your thoughts on the point Moore was trying to make with this dialogue? Do you agree with what Raziel says?
8. Raziel is referred to in the title of the book as stupid, but in the story he is mostly portrayed as merely literal and naïve. Most fundamentalist Christians take pride in being literal and naive. Is Raziel symbolic of the blindness of fundamentalist faith? If so, do you think that Christopher Moore is trying to portray fundamentalists as stupid?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Boozing with Books - About
I don’t know the exact origins of Grey’s and Greys because our extreme dedication to this particular “event” has made certain details a little fuzzy. What I do know is that it was a much anticipated, weekly gathering where a closely knit group of friends got together to celebrate the start of the weekend by drinking Grey Goose martini’s while watching Grey’s Anatomy. Now, this all happened back when Grey’s Anatomy was like crack and living at home afforded me an expendable income that allowed me to purchase bottles of high-end vodka. As it would go, our interest in the show waned and a couple bouts of unemployment within the group turned Greys’s and Greys into Chatting While Grey’s Anatomy Plays in the Background and Svedka… not nearly as catchy. However, one blistery night, at a point in the night where one could point out that we might have had the TiVo on pause for 45 minutes and no one noticed... we reached our “that’s an awesome idea” potential and Boozing with Books Makes Us Kinda Smart Book Club was formed!! The concept was groundbreaking and it made us feel more like intellectual nerds than lazy couch potatoes… which is what you get when you swap TV for a book. Right?!
A year after its inception, this all inclusive gathering (still!) gets together once a month to eat, drink and hold a book in their hands. Who am I kidding, most of us truly are nerds that actually enjoy talking about the books we’ve read. The best part is, even if you haven’t read anything more than picture captions from a PEOPLE magazine, you are still more than welcome to hang out. BWBMUKSBC (that’s a whole lot easier to remember than the full title of the club which can be a bit of a mouthful: Boozing with Books Makes Us Kinda Smart Book Club) has active members that currently reside in 3 different states and not to offend anyone, but a particularly vast age range.
On this awesome blog, we will post the latest book club updates, details about the next gathering, along with information about which thrilling piece of literature we will tackle next. Here is wishing that BWBMUKSBC has continued success as we embark upon our second year!
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