Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Boozing with Books - About

I don’t know the exact origins of Grey’s and Greys because our extreme dedication to this particular “event” has made certain details a little fuzzy.  What I do know is that it was a much anticipated, weekly gathering where a closely knit group of friends got together to celebrate the start of the weekend by drinking Grey Goose martini’s while watching Grey’s Anatomy.  Now, this all happened back when Grey’s Anatomy was like crack and living at home afforded me an expendable income that allowed me to purchase bottles of high-end vodka.  As it would go, our interest in the show waned and a couple bouts of unemployment within the group turned Greys’s and Greys into Chatting While Grey’s Anatomy Plays in the Background and Svedka… not nearly as catchy.  However, one blistery night, at a point in the night where one could point out that we might have had the TiVo on pause for 45 minutes and no one noticed... we reached our “that’s an awesome idea” potential and Boozing with Books Makes Us Kinda Smart Book Club was formed!!  The concept was groundbreaking and it made us feel more like intellectual nerds than lazy couch potatoes… which is what you get when you swap TV for a book.  Right?! 

A year after its inception, this all inclusive gathering (still!) gets together once a month to eat, drink and hold a book in their hands.  Who am I kidding, most of us truly are nerds that actually enjoy talking about the books we’ve read.  The best part is, even if you haven’t read anything more than picture captions from a PEOPLE magazine, you are still more than welcome to hang out.  BWBMUKSBC (that’s a whole lot easier to remember than the full title of the club which can be a bit of a mouthful: Boozing with Books Makes Us Kinda Smart Book Club) has active members that currently reside in 3 different states and not to offend anyone, but a particularly vast age range. 

On this awesome blog, we will post the latest book club updates, details about the next gathering, along with information about which thrilling piece of literature we will tackle next.  Here is wishing that BWBMUKSBC has continued success as we embark upon our second year!           

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Sarah! I am looking forward to our next meeting - see you on Friday.
