Monday, March 7, 2011

September Dawn by Carole Whang Schutter

Hello Book Clubbers!!  Just wanted to send out a friendly reminder that we will be meeting this Friday, March 11 at 8pm at Kath's House.  We are trying to get a head count, so if you could let us know if you will be attending, it would be most appreciated.  There were no recommendations for contributions but obviously, we are always in need of wine, wine and more wine :)  I was unable to find any discussion questions online and I haven't started the book yet, so we will see how my speed readin' skills go!!  Hopefully, I will have some ready by Friday... wish me luck!  Can't wait to see you there.

Got the book on Wednesday, finished by this morning. Winner!  Thanks to Ang for helping me out with the questions, they are below for your perusal.

1.     What did you find surprising about the facts introduced in this book?
2.    Has reading this book changed your opinion of the Mormon religion?
3.    Does the author present information in a way that is interesting and insightful, and if so, how does she achieve this?
4.   Do you think Carole Schutter gives proper consideration to all sides the debate? Does she seem to have a bias?
5.    Has the book increased your interest in the Mormon religion or other religions?
6.   Did certain parts of the book make you uncomfortable? If so, why did you feel that way? Did this lead to a new understanding or awareness of some aspect of your life you might not have thought about before?
7.   What role do you think poverty played in the growth of the early Mormon church?  Does poverty elicit religious fanaticism?
8.    Do you think Brigham Young is guilty or innocent of compliancy of murder in the Mountain Meadows Massacre (MMM)?
9.   Polygamy played a key role in the early Mormon Church.  After it was outlawed in 1862 the practice went underground.   Recently polygamy has been brought to the forefront by the media with shows like; Big Love and Sister Wives and the news coverage of Warren Jeffs the FLDS prophet.  Do you think polygamy’s roll in the Mormon religion could be revisited?  Do you think it could be more widely accepted today than it was back in the 1800’s?
10.     Retribution for religious persecution triggered the MMM.  Do you think religious persecution exists today?  Could it or has it triggered retribution?
11.  Up until this point, the Mormon Church has offered little commentary about the massacre.  However, on the 150th anniversary, Mormon Apostle Henry Eyring offered “profound regret” for the incident but still made a point to profess Young’s innocence in the event and blamed local leaders.  Afterwards, some deemed this a noteworthy apology but church spokesman Mark Tuttle later stated, “We don’t use the word ‘apology.’ We used ‘profound regret.’” Do you think the response of the Mormon Church has been a significant one to the massacre that occurred?         


  1. I will be there - and will bring both wine and a snack of some sort!!

  2. I will also be there and contributing my favorite snack... wine!

  3. I will be there. Looking forward to it!

  4. I will be there, and will be bringing wine and a snack to be determined.
