Monday, February 28, 2011
Date Finally Chosen
I just wanted to let everyone know that the next book club will get together on March 11 at Mama Walsh's house. I will send out the address and time next week. I know this date didn't work for everyone (sorry Shelli and Suz :( ) but I had to go with the majority. Last I heard, the CPL doesn't carry this book but people were able to find it at Borders. I haven't gotten it yet so I can't provide more info, SORRY!! Happy reading!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Big, big, big THANKS to Michelle for hosting book club on Friday!! Due to the boisterous and intense discussion that took place, Michelle was kicked out of her condo and is now forced to live on the streets. I think it is only appropriate for her fellow members to help her out and give her a place to stay in her time of need (so, send me an email to sign up for your weekJ). Since, technically, it is our fault she is now homeless. Now, those of you who weren’t in attendance could be saying, “C’mon, it couldn’t have been that bad?!” But the 12 member, 14 bottle of wine ratio begs to differ. That’s right 12 to 14. Tear, I know. I’ve never been more proud of this group in my entire life! Although, I do think it made us realize how badly we need to purchase a bell (or an air horn), so we can get the discussions back on track when they start to detour.
In order to keep this ball rollin,’ we are getting right into the next selection. Ang’s suggestion won the vote, so the next book we will be reading is Carole Whang Schutter’s September Dawn, which I find to be the perfect choice for Valentine’s Day. It’s got untimely love, Mormons, a massacre, acts of religious terrorism…A truly perfect pick for this heart-shaped holiday season. Plus, for those members who are still on the fence about reading things, they made this into a movie, so there should be no attendance issues for this one!
We have several options for our next gathering date (yay to no basketball), so if you shoot me an email with your preferences, it would be most appreciated.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Also, Kath has first dibs to host if she chooses, otherwise we will need a local. Don’t be tentative to offer up your place, statistically we can’t evict two people in a row, right?!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore
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The next book club will take place this Friday, February, 11 at 8pm at the swanky condo de la Michelle. Hopefully, we all remember what the book was about?? Eh, if not, let the wine flowith!! Michelle requests that, if members are so generous, would they mind bringing a bottle of wine and/or appeteeeezer?! Please! Once again, I've posted the discussion questions below, if anything maybe they'll jog the ol' memory. Who is excited?? Seems like it has been a decade since we all got together to discuss some fine literature :) See you Friday!
1. Overall, did you like the book? Why or why not? (ie: are you mad at Sarah for picking it?)
2. Who was your favorite character? Please explain.
3. After reading the book, do you now want a fruit bat as a pet? If you could domesticate any animal, which one would you want to tame and why?
4. For those members with the “The Enhanced Edition” what are your thoughts on the bonus chapter: And Before We Knew It, Christmas Had Rolled Around Again? Do you think it added to the story of The Stupidest Angel or not?
5. Christopher Moore starts the novel with an Author’s Warning that states: “If you’re buying this book for your grandma or a kid, you should be aware that it contains cusswords as well as tasteful descriptions of cannibalism and people in their forties having sex. Don’t blame me, I told you.” What’s your take on Christopher Moore’s somewhat vulgar and out there sense of humor? Do you find him funny?
6. Lena meets Tucker Case right after she has accidentally killed Dale. Their love affair might seem a little farfetched but some might argue that when two people are put in a highly stressful situation together, they tend to form a more unique bond. What do you think of Lena and Tucker's relationship? Is it a plausible one?
7. On page 250, Molly and Raziel have an interesting exchange regarding religion and faith.
“I mean, I’m not religious, so why are you here?”
“I mean, I’m not religious, so why are you here?”
“Lunatics, we’re attracted to them. It has something to do with the mechanics of faith. I don’t really understand it…”
“…”So you’re attracted to me because I’m loony and will believe anything?”
“Yes, I think so. And because no one will believe you. So there’s no violation of faith.”
“Yes, I think so. And because no one will believe you. So there’s no violation of faith.”
Side note: According to "Faith (noun) is defined as confidence or trust in a person or thing: a belief that is not based on proof." What are your thoughts on the point Moore was trying to make with this dialogue? Do you agree with what Raziel says?
8. Raziel is referred to in the title of the book as stupid, but in the story he is mostly portrayed as merely literal and naïve. Most fundamentalist Christians take pride in being literal and naive. Is Raziel symbolic of the blindness of fundamentalist faith? If so, do you think that Christopher Moore is trying to portray fundamentalists as stupid?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Boozing with Books - About
I don’t know the exact origins of Grey’s and Greys because our extreme dedication to this particular “event” has made certain details a little fuzzy. What I do know is that it was a much anticipated, weekly gathering where a closely knit group of friends got together to celebrate the start of the weekend by drinking Grey Goose martini’s while watching Grey’s Anatomy. Now, this all happened back when Grey’s Anatomy was like crack and living at home afforded me an expendable income that allowed me to purchase bottles of high-end vodka. As it would go, our interest in the show waned and a couple bouts of unemployment within the group turned Greys’s and Greys into Chatting While Grey’s Anatomy Plays in the Background and Svedka… not nearly as catchy. However, one blistery night, at a point in the night where one could point out that we might have had the TiVo on pause for 45 minutes and no one noticed... we reached our “that’s an awesome idea” potential and Boozing with Books Makes Us Kinda Smart Book Club was formed!! The concept was groundbreaking and it made us feel more like intellectual nerds than lazy couch potatoes… which is what you get when you swap TV for a book. Right?!
A year after its inception, this all inclusive gathering (still!) gets together once a month to eat, drink and hold a book in their hands. Who am I kidding, most of us truly are nerds that actually enjoy talking about the books we’ve read. The best part is, even if you haven’t read anything more than picture captions from a PEOPLE magazine, you are still more than welcome to hang out. BWBMUKSBC (that’s a whole lot easier to remember than the full title of the club which can be a bit of a mouthful: Boozing with Books Makes Us Kinda Smart Book Club) has active members that currently reside in 3 different states and not to offend anyone, but a particularly vast age range.
On this awesome blog, we will post the latest book club updates, details about the next gathering, along with information about which thrilling piece of literature we will tackle next. Here is wishing that BWBMUKSBC has continued success as we embark upon our second year!
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