Thursday, May 12, 2011

Date Selected

June 10th seems to work for everyone, in one way or another, so mark your calenders.  We will have our last gathering before summer vacation begins!!  On another note, this will be my last night in town.  I leave for the Boundary Waters on Saturday morning and the chances of me getting eaten by a bear getting left behind by Jamie are pretty high, so this may be your last chance to see me... I'm just saying. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Date Selection

This is our last meeting before summer vacation :)  Please let me know (either through email or just leave a comment below), whether you would be able to attend Friday, June 3 or Friday June 10. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Trilogy Part Deux

'Ello Govna!!  Thanks to all the ladies who stopped by on Friday for the joint Royal Wedding Watch/Freedom Book Club discussion.  It was the perfect combination of wedding gushing, book conversing, Pippa bashing (I mean honestly, whoever flawlessly pulls off a white silk dress should not be allowed in public, it just isn't fair to the rest of us) and delicious food consumption.  We decided to squeeze in one more meeting before we break for summer and went with a book that should be a fairly quick read.  Next on the docket: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.   Our host, Julie, is double checking on possible dates to make sure they work but we are aiming to get together at the end of May or beginning of June.  I just wanted to get the next selection out there so everyone can get started.  Happy reading!!